yay for sunday. and, can't friday come any sooner? there should be an official diagnosis for both spring fever and senioritis combined. whatever that would be, i'm having a severe case of it. besides, the weather isn't helping either. it's just so bipolar and manipulative, one second it's all sooo friendly looking all encouraging and sunny then the next thing i know it's raining cats and dogs. then the next, it's cloudy. you know the rest. due to this weather, i'm already restless and so ready to get back to where the hot sun is. i just came from phoenix, where it was 90 degrees! so from that to this... humph. talk about sweet torture.

i want to feel THAT heat on my skin again. summer, how far are you?
bursting the bubble here now. i can stop dreaming. i work tomorrow, classes tuesday... work again, then classes again. etc, etc. it's not all too bad, actually. :)
i'm finishing up this book, the holy cow by sarah macDonald... and holy cow... it's good. really, it is. the cover of the book is admittedly a little loud - see this? that.

but it's so educational, hilarious beyond comprehension, and so very honest. it speaks of an australian journalist moving to india and experiences the turnabouts of life in india. there is so much about that country we do not know about. she had befriended with so many kinds of people, we see that no matter how different those people are, they all still hold the same innate indian belief. through her journey, we see everything about that country is so bizarre, yet so spiritual and dedicated with their rituals. she attended ashrams and weddings, celebrated their holidays, participated in exorbitant festivals, saw the rich and the poor - you name it, she been to the deepest of that country and came out showing the world india the way she saw it.
she celebrated passover with bunch of israelis in india. who does that? (well i know i would love to!)
the thing is that... sarah macDonald is not jewish. this particular act shows the true spirit of togetherness, respect, and humanity.